Programmatic ads v/s Google Ads

programmatic ads vs google ads



Few of us know about Programmatic Ads. But, almost all of us know about Google Ads but very few of us know that Google Adwords now known as Google Ads appeared as early as 2000. In the early stage of Google Ads, advertisers were having the authority to target ads with keywords. Determination was based on Cost per thousand Impressions. The results available to the advertisers were consists of only basic metrics such as CTR(Click-through-Rate) or the number of impressions. We can say that Google Ads has covered a long journey since then. In the early days, Google Ads was just providing a foretaste of what it is providing today

Programmatic Ads

For the moment, many competitive platforms would come and go. As used by a large audience, AdWords was the king for a long time, until Programmatic arrived. These ads have a real-time bidding option, which was created in the US in 2009. Since then, it has been capturing a larger and larger audience of the advertising market every year. In 2018, almost 83% of display advertising purchases in the United States, worth $50 billion, were made programmatically. This shows how effective it is.

Programmatic Advertisement is a self-regulating approach to displaying ads. It is all about automated buying and selling of ads through a software

On the other hand, in the standard approach, there’s a lot of manual processes like requesting proposals, quotes, and human negotiation. Programmatic ads are self-regulating and rely on machines and algorithms to buy and sell digital space. It won’t be wrong to say that programmatic advertising has removed a lot of unnecessary manual work. Thus, advertisers can utilize the time for optimizing and improving the ads.

But, Google Ads, acts as a network between the publisher and the advertiser. Advertisers use this platform to target their audiences based on interest, demographics, and other crucial criteria. In Google Ads, advertisers get full control over the ad placements, ad scheduling, and bidding strategy too.


Benefits of using Programmatic ads instead of google ads.


1. Reach Potential.

Reach potential

Google Adwords are limited in terms of data, and networks. Whereas, Programmatic Ads give advertisers control into the vendor-neutral RTB (Real-Time Bidding) ecosystem. These Ads can target almost 98% of the internet, in which the Google platform is also included, with 15 billion impressions and counting. Through programmatic Ads, you can display ads across media devices such as smartphones, laptops/desktops, tablets.


2. Real-Time Reporting of Data

Programmatic ads



Google Adwords typically allow advertisers to analyze data of their ads every 2 to 3 hours. And, update the other metrics once in 24 hours. Programmatic Ads gives the advertiser the option for real-time bidding & provides up-to-the-minute stats. This is a great benefit while testing and monitoring the effectiveness of your ads.


3. Targeting Options

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As Google Ads and Programmatic Ads have many of the same targeting and re-targeting attributes, the latter use cookies which provide its targeting almost an infinite scope. Demographics, Interests, and Psychological Data are only the initial targeting tactics. Programmatic Ads even have accurate targeting on mobile devices manufacturers, operating systems, mobile carriers and, even headsets.


4. Pricing Options

Google Adwords manage the platform and therefore optimizes revenue on the basis of CPC (cost per click) and CPA (cost per action). Digital marketers who are having the knowledge are allowing Google to optimize their campaigns for the best-performing ads. Then moving them over to Programmatic Ads to get the most effective and performing campaign.


5. Accessibility

If we say about the accessibility, Undoubtedly, the transparency is more with the programmatic ads as the advertisers are having the option of Real-time-biding and also can check up-to-the-minutes stats. But, Google Ads gives control over the ads placement, ad scheduling and also optimizes the campaign for best performing ads.


We can consider that with a good reach, more targeting options, real-time bidding, up-to-minute-stats, and better pricing option, Programmatic Advertising is proven that advertising is progressing past the simple text ad and display and video ads are on rising.



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